Children's Chorus of Maryland
Tours are a lot of work, and a lot of fun. The days can be long, but meeting new people in country and abroad, making and sharing music with others, and exploring places and cultures with friends produce unique experiences and cherished memories.

Tour Blog

We’ve collected daily vignettes authored by our singers, chaperones, and staff during our travels whenever possible. Entries include photos and video.

Please return to this page soon to view our blog.

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Children’s Chorus of Maryland Tour Choir is comprised of members of the Concert Choir and select members of the Lyric choir. An invitation is extended to eligible singers. Alumni from recent years may also join a tour.


Rehearsals and performances are a given. We make time for recreational activities as well, including short hikes or swimming, visits to areas of cultural and historic interest and always a chance to pick up a special souvenir.


Tours are scheduled over the summer months, spanning 1–2 weeks. A traditional public Tour Choir Send-Off Concert is given at a local venue a few days before the group departs. Touring itineraries typically include participation in a music festival or conference.  The Tour Choir aims to travel every other year, alternating between national and international events.  Larger tours begin planning at least 18 months in advance.

Mini Tours may occur during the academic year or over the summer break, with select singers over a shorter period of time. Mini tours are typically 2-4 days.  Mini tours may be planned within a few months.

The Tour Choir have enjoyed performance opportunities domestically and in Canada and Europe and have collaborated with community and professional organizations. Past destinations include Vienna, Austria; Prague, Czech Republic; Oahu, Hawaii; Hamburg, Germany; Kecskémet and Budapest, Hungary; Nova Scotia, Banff, Quebec, and Montréal in Canada; Poughkeepsie, New York; New York City; Orlando, Florida; and Eugene, Oregon.

Tour Choir have sung under the batons of distinguished conductors including Bob Chilcott, Henry Leck, Joshua Pedde, and Gabriela Thész.

Tour Choirs form strong bonds of friendship and trust that infuses the choir with a sense of shared purpose and ensemble unity.

In addition, students who share a tour choir experience from the first rehearsal at home to the return trip, experience much musical and personal growth and well as growing in self-confidence and independence having had the opportunity to

  • Broaden world view through cultural exchange
  • Learn from the opportunity to work with and learn from a different conductor or clinician
  • Learn to try new things, including performance venues, collaborate with choristers from other places, traveling as a group, being away from home, even food!
  • Hear and sing new repertoire they may not have another opportunity to hear or sing
  • Function as musical and community ambassadors for their choir, state, or country
  • Deepen old and discover new friendships within their own choir

Touring expenses are not covered by tuition for the Conservatory program. Costs vary according to travel arrangements, tour length, accommodations, fees associated with festivals, conferences, and other collaborations; and the various performances and activities planned for each tour. Installment plans are available.

Group and individual efforts to raise funds for a singer or singers on a tour welcome your generous gifts. Sometimes your gift can make it possible for an eligible student to go on tour when the cost would otherwise be prohibitive.  Watch for announcements of touring fundraising events throughout the academic year or earmark a donation for touring when you click the donate button in the footer of this page.

Singers who tour together share transforming, rewarding and life-long memories.

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320 E. Towsontown Blvd., Terrace Level
Towson, MD 21286
(410) 494-1480
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