The grant, titled “Awakening the Natural Musician in Your Child,” will support the distribution of educational articles and fund music demonstration events for families and music teachers in the Baltimore region.
The grant, titled “Awakening the Natural Musician in Your Child,” will support the distribution of educational articles and fund music demonstration events for families and music teachers in the Baltimore region.
In her tenure with Children’s Chorus of Maryland Ms. Burgoyne spent six years as Concert Manager and four as Operations Director, before assuming the role of Executive Director. She succeeds Ramona Galey, who will continue with CCM as Finance Director and Board member.
Emerson Pratt and Grace Vaeth will represent Children’s Chorus of Maryland and the state of Maryland at the first Girlchoir National Convention, “Let Freedom Sing!”, in Philadelphia from July 24th - 29th. This convention is a six-day choral festival that brings together two female high school singers from each state in the United States and offers its participants enriching musical and civic experiences.
Children’s Chorus of Maryland (CCM) 2016 Tour Choir returned home on June 29th after participating in the Pacific International Choral Festival (Picfest) in Eugene, Oregon from June 22nd to June 27th.
We could not be more excited to share the good news that David Bielenberg will succeed Andrea Burgoyne as Executive Director of Children's Chorus of Maryland, as she retires after 29 years of distinguished service to CCM. Please watch this welcome message from David!
Far too soon, but peacefully and in the tender care of people she cherished, our beloved Founder and friend, Betty Bertaux, passed away on Friday, October 10th. All of us who loved her—and there are so many people who did—are reeling, but so grateful to have had her in our lives.
Children’s Chorus of Maryland & School of Music is very pleased to announce the appointment of Susan Bialek as our new Artistic Director, starting in August 2014!
After many years holding rehearsals and classes at St. Timothy's Lutheran Church—recently sold to Agape Church—in Timonium-Lutherville, CCM has found a new home. All 2014-2015 classes for the Music Conservatory program, for children ages 5 ½ to 16, and the Crickets, music and play program for children ages 4 to 6, will be held in […]
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